Sunday, December 4, 2011

Two whole years

This week wasn't really too eventful in the way of something I did. All I did was work. A lot. As usual, I worked six days. On Wednesday I worked from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. That's the longest I've ever worked--previously the latest had been about 7:30. Because our pay period is from Saturday to Friday, sometime on Wednesday night I went into overtime pay. Which meant all of Thursday and Friday were on overtime. I think this week was the first time I actually felt tired simply from working. I tried to go running yesterday, but it was a failure.

However, there were two anniversaries this week. On November 28, 2007, I entered the MTC. On November 30, 2009, I came down the airport escalators to the very surreal experience of meeting my family after not seeing them for two years.

I have now been home from my mission for as long as I was on it. And since a few days have elapsed since the anniversary, I've actually been home slightly longer.


But I think at two years I've finally made it to that point where I no longer need to be on a mission. I no longer am depressed I'm not a missionary.

My mission was a great experience. It was a springboard for the rest of my life. And I still think fondly of it. Yesterday at work, I filled an order for the Eastmont Ward, parts of which were once the East Wenatchee 1st Ward, which I served in in 2008. It was good and fun to see it, and I wrote a note on the ticket. And I'd like to go back (to visit)--but I don't need to. I never said my mission was the best two years of my life, but I suppose I could, simply because it's not like my life has been all that interesting or fantastic.

Sometimes I miss my mission. But there are many ways I'm glad I'm not a missionary anymore.

I like to listen to the radio.

I'm so relieved I never have to go tracting again. Ever. (I hope.)

And everything is so much more convenient with a computer.

My first year of college, I wished I could go back. I somewhat felt this way my second year. I will be starting my third year in January--and I'm glad I'm in college now. It's more fun, but it's still a lot of work--just a different kind of work.

I think I've finally gotten to the point that I'm grateful for my mission and all the experiences I had--I'm less awkward than before (if you can believe that), I'm obviously much healthier, and I'm a better person all around--but it's past me. I'm moving on with my life.

And I'm glad.

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