Sunday, October 14, 2012

How can you not like fall?

This week was pretty enjoyable.

I felt like it was the first time we really had chilly weather. It was in the low 30s on Monday morning, and then it was rainy and a little chilly Friday and Saturday. It has me so excited!  Friday was a wonderful day. I was in awe as I walked home and looked at the mountain. It has entirely changed colors!

I had several classes cancelled this week. On Monday, I showed up to my second class, varieties of English, and there was a sign at the door saying class was cancelled. Then I showed up to my third class, substantive editing, and we were all sitting there, waiting for the teacher, and then after a few minutes the TA got up and said that she had forgotten that the professor wasn't going to be there and that she had forgotten to look over the lesson for the day, so class was cancelled. Then varieties of English was cancelled again on Wednesday. My empirical methods in English linguistics class, my first class, was cancelled Friday morning so we could work on the midterm (I just slept in). I was preparing to go to my second class (varieties of English) when I checked my email and learned that the professor was still sick. Five classes cancelled in a week? I'll take it!

It was homecoming this week, which didn't really affect me. Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't care more about football. But then I see people whose lives are so consumed by football, and I don't feel guilty. I saw someone post on Facebook something like, "I had a great birthday, except for a stupid call." I see that white-suspendered U fan who accosted BYU's coach. I see riots in other countries over soccer. And I think, Society needs people like me. Just as a well-rooted plant prevents a riverbank from eroding, people like me will keep society from crumbling. I have no ill feelings to people who like football. I just have zero interest in it, and I think such an attitude is helpful for the community at large.

I only got a side effect from homecoming that affected me. My grandparents were in Provo for BYU's homecoming spectacular, so they invited me to dinner. Then we went to the MOA (museum of art). After seeing them, I went home and worked on my research paper for my environmental biology class. I'm writing a paper about the effect of tourism on Antarctic penguins. I worked for several hours on my penguin paper--it was good to be productive.

Before I woke up on Saturday, I was having a really weird dream. Since I had gone on a date, my mom bought me a wedding dress. I think it was for my prospective wife, but I ended up going to church in it. Understandably, I was quite uncomfortable wearing a wedding dress at church, especially when I had to bless or pass the sacrament in it. But later in the dream I discovered that the dress was more like a cape, and I was also wearing a wedding tux, so it was convenient to simply take off the cape/dress and walk around in the tux. When I woke up, I was thinking about marriage. I am a hateful person, so I think I'm incapable of falling in love, which makes it hard to get married. I think I'd have more chances for marriage in a society with arranged marriages.

Usher woke me up on Saturday before 8:00, and I couldn't get back to sleep. Apparently there was a pancake breakfast at the gas station across the street for homecoming, and they thought pop music went with pancakes. Then there was a 5k going on outside my apartment. And then the homecoming parade went past my apartment. I could have watched it, but I have better things to do on a Saturday than watch people walking and cars driving, so I cleaned and occasionally peeked out the window.

I wasn't going to let the fall beauty go to waste, so I put on my shortest shorts and decided to go running. It was cool enough that I was able to go running during the day, the first time I did so since April. I ran up 900 East past the MTC, the first time I did so since April. I ran for an hour, the first time I did so since April. But my old route would take me past the stadium, and I didn't think that would be wise, since there was the football game. So I proceeded to University Ave. and went up the Provo River Parkway a little bit. I was amazed at all the traffic, pedestrian and automobile, there for the game. I had to wait a long time at stoplights because of the traffic, and I had to run on grass to get around the BYU fans of all ages and sizes. I was amazed at how far away people had to park to get to the game. People are willing to walk that far and go through so much hectic traffic just to watch blue- (or black-) clad people chase an oblong object up and down a field? To each their own.

Last night I was able to work on my midterm for my empirical methods in English linguistics class. I analyzed the speech of Obama and Romney from the presidential debate. I don't care about politics, so I figured it was a good opportunity to get exposed to the candidates and their issues. I had an idea of who I was going to vote for, but now that I read some of the debate (I didn't need to read all of it to conduct my tests) I might be leaning the other way. But after four and a half hours at the computer, I was fortunate enough to be able to watch TV for homework. I watched The Beverly Hillbillies for its dialectal stigmas.

You know what are really weird? Tarantulas.

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