Sunday, May 12, 2013

Not terribly much badder

Yesterday I was at home to visit my mom for Mother's Day. She asked about the attendance drop in my ward for spring. I told her that last Sunday it was 99, and it was usually around 150 in the winter. (I know these things since I'm ward clerk.) Then my mom said, "Oh, that's not terribly much badder."

Then she looked at me with a surprised, puzzled look and said, "Where did that come from?!"

I suppose that's kind of been the theme of my week--not terribly much badder.

I am a little worried about my editing class. It's going to get busier. I'm going to get more assignments, and the assignments are going to get longer and harder. Hopefully I'll be able to stay on top of it. It will get badder, but hopefully it won't be terribly much badder.

In my Structure of English class, we got a new homework assignment, and I don't think it will be overly hard, but I'm not sure how to proceed doing it. I think this class will be harder than my semantics class from the same professor, but it can't be terribly much badder.

My calling seems to be getting busy. Part of the reason I'm writing this blog so late is because I had a lot of calling things to do today. We have a ward webpage that serves as a directory and helps us bring people's records in. I've been encouraging people to make a profile on it. And tonight I went through and gave pictures to those who didn't have one uploaded. I selected twelve pictures from and put them up. I do have a lot to worry about now for my calling, but it's not terribly much badder.

This weekend I went home to visit my mom. I had to go to meetings today, but I did visit her this weekend. I think about how lucky I am. Just as Earth formed in just the right place in the solar system for life to exist, I was born in just the right place to have a great mother. My mother is sane and intelligent. I don't have a mother who does crazy and dumb things. I have a sensible, wise mother, and I couldn't be more content.

Even if she says things like "not terribly much badder." 

1 comment:

  1. You make fun of me all the way through, and then you say something so sweet that it makes me cry. I love you!!
