Sunday, January 8, 2012

You say goodbye, I say hello

This week I spent time with my three visiting nephews before moving down to Provo. Because I started working so quickly, I didn't get to see them back in August. We were making plans for me to go visit them in Tennessee, but I didn't need to because they were able to come out here for the New Year.

I'm bad at taking pictures, and I have a relatively cheap camera, and I hate using flash in public, so I have few good pictures. This makes me sad.

On Tuesday I was riding with these Melvilles from my sister's house, and my brother said, referring to his boys, "I have one drama king, one bipolar, and one stubborn."

Preston is seven. He is the drama king, and has been since he was a baby. He is quick to tears and anything slightly amiss is tragic. He lived with us from the time he was about three months old until he was about twenty-one months. He was absolutely adorable as a baby. I forget how cute he is even now until I see him. He likes learning and asks lots of questions. His dad is very good at answering his questions, because I don't know how I'd know how to answer them.

Franklin will turn four on January 24. He is the bipolar one--he is either very sweet, or positively terrible. This time around he was considerably shy around us and generally only liked to be with his dad. This was enigmatic to me, since last time I saw him--at the end of 2010--he immediately attached himself to me, and the time before that, Christmastime of 2009, he warmed up to me quickly as well. He didn't want me to hug him when I left. I hope I can get closer to him on my next visit with them. Nathaniel is better known by his nickname, "Baby." Baby will turn two a week from today, on January 15. He is the stubborn one. Once he's attached to something, he doesn't want to become unattached. For example, if someone is holding him, he doesn't want that person to quit holding him. He is positively adorable and a great charmer. Last time I saw him he was sick and didn't want anything to do with anyone but his parents. This time was very different. I held him when we got them from the airport, and then that night at home, I held out my arms and he came running to me. The next day we went to the Natural History Museum of Utah. I held him for a good portion of that time. He loved the museum. He pointed at all the dinosaur skeletons and told me all about them--"Wehhhhh, wehhhhh, wehhhhh." There was a wall of ceratopsian skulls. He pointed to each of them--"Wehhh, wehhhh, wehhh." Even in parts that I thought he couldn't possibly be interested in, such as photographs about Utah archaeology, he happily told me, "wehhh, wehhh." One thing I resent is his attachment to my cousin Peter. Because Peter was being a loser and not doing anything with his life, namely neither working nor going to school, Peter got to go to Taiwan with my nephews, so Baby has a big fondness for Peter. But I couldn't create this relationship because I was responsible, being in school and for a time working as well. (And yes, Peter, I know you read this blog, and yes, I know you got a job and are now going back to school. Good for you--I mean it!)

Tuesday was my last day with them before I came down here to Provo for another winter semester. I live in the same complex I lived in last year, but a different apartment. My apartment is ten dollars cheaper a month, but not nearly as nice. Our door is difficult to lock and unlock. It requires a lot of jiggle action, and it is backwards--instead of lefty-loosey righty-tighty, it's lefty-tighty righty-loosey. Our oven beeps every ten seconds (I timed it). This is actually not as annoying as you might think; it's not too loud. My room roommate is very nice. My only problem with him is his very loud snoring.

I have a semantics/pragmatics class MWF at 9:00. Oddly this class meets in the RB, an athletic building. I look over the swimming pool on my way to class. On Friday I got out of my class and met an old companion who has a class immediately after mine in the same room. But his is for his dance minor, and he was surprised I had such a class in the RB.

On MW at 10:00 I have my piano class. I have to book it from the RB to the HFAC. Our instructor is a grad student. The only other grad student experience I have is not a good one, but this guy seems like he knows what he's doing. But it's been a year since I had my last piano class so I'm a little rusty.

On MWF at 2:00 I have Basic Editing Skills. This will be an intense class. I heard this professor gave a lot of work, and it appears to be true. But if it doesn't kill me it'll only make me stronger, right? I just worry about the possibility of it killing me. On Friday night I went "running" and I didn't take my key and my roommate left while I was gone, so I was locked out. I went to the library for a time, then sat outside my apartment. A guy who lives across from me--I live in #12 and he lives in #11--invited me in and we found out we were in the same editing class, and in fact he had sat in front of me in class that very day!

On TTh at 12:00 I have a D&C class. Our instructor seems very interested in students; she had already studied our pictures. I got a new picture Wednesday, so she must have been looking at pictures before then, because she told me I didn't look like my picture.

On TTh at 1:30 I have my geology class. It's a four-credit class, which tend to be harder, and it's required for the geology major and minor, so I thought it would be mostly geology majors. But the professor had the geology majors raise their hands, and there were only a handful. He said they had a lot of missionary work to do, i.e. converting people to the geology major. (Sorry, Professor Nelson, I hope the minor will do.) I think this will be easier than my editing class, which really isn't fair since the editing class is only three credits. I have a lab for this class Tuesdays at 9:00 but I haven't had this yet.

I think this will suffice for my blog post.

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