Sunday, December 16, 2012

The end of my first fall semester

Well, fall semester 2012 has come to an end.

It was my first ever fall semester. It was a good one. I took 15.5 credits while working 10 hours a week, which is the most I've ever done. I conducted linguistic research and experiments, gave a presentation on Irish English, learned about substantive editing (kind of), wrote a paper about penguins, and got a free trip to Death Valley.

I started off the semester getting sick, decked the living room with all sorts of Halloween things in September, made an Obama jack-o-lantern to protest the political sign of my apartment complex, got mad at a certain tarantula for listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving (among other things), and had five finals along with four final projects.

After I finished up all my finals on Wednesday, I went to go to a caroling activity at the house of the first counselor in my bishopric. I think the Jensens are the nicest people on the planet. Since my aloof roommate didn't want to go, and the tarantula and the elders quorum president weren't home, I went by myself. And I was the only person who showed up! The Jensens gave me goodies (I explained to them why I could only eat the gingerbread cookies and not the pumpkin cookies) and I talked with them for a while. Brother Jensen had a trailer with hay bales all ready, and I was the only one. So after a while, he got in the truck and I got on the back with Sister Jensen and their son. We dropped off their son at the church and picked up a little deacon who only wanted to sing army spoofs of Christmas songs--things like "Jingle Bombs" and other violent twelve-year-old-boy-type songs. He seemed kind of disappointed when we took him home, but I was glad not to sing those un-merry songs. Overall there wasn't a whole lot of caroling done, but it was still fun.

Then Thursday I did a final run in Provo (since I didn't do a lot of running this semester outside of my jogging class) before coming home.

Then Friday night I went to a birthday party for my mission companion Elder Love, whom I had in my favorite area at my favorite time of year. We went bowling. It was a long game; there were nine of us on one lane. Once I got nine pins, but then the tenth mysteriously disappeared. On another occasion the person ahead of me got a pin in the gutter. I got a gutterball and knocked the pin out of the gutter, knocking down more pins. Best gutterball ever.

I also had some really weird dreams this week; I usually do on days I get to sleep in. I dreamed that there was a temple parking lot with angled parking in the wrong direction, that Lady Gaga was only like three feet tall, and that there was a beautiful house that wouldn't sell because an old man was brutally murdered inside it and because it had lava continually flowing through it--you had to move it or else it would form basalt all over the carpet.

December is sure sneaky. I still have to do some Christmas shopping. The good thing about not having any friends is that it's fewer gifts I have to buy!

But I am enjoying having no responsibility. I've wasted some time with my friend Mario in 32 bits, and last night I lazily ended up watching all of Cinderella on TV. (Why can't they make movies like that anymore?)

I was going to make this post more organized and more profound. But I guess the laziness of having no responsibility got to me.

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