Sunday, June 14, 2015

Ojo rojo

On Tuesday this week, my eye was acting a little funny. You know how when you wake up, your vision is a little foggy? Well, it wouldn't go away from my right eye. It was very red.

I didn't think it was that big of a deal, but my mom insisted that I go to the doctor, so on Wednesday morning I went to the doctor, where I haven't been in five years. He diagnosed it as conjunctivitis and gave me some drops. I tend to have a really good immune system, and it was the first time in my life I've had pink eye.

Since it hurt to look at bright lights (like sunlight), I used my condition as an excuse to do nothing and watch TV (which didn't hurt my eye, especially when I closed it). Ordinarily, I only watch TV if I'm doing something else (usually exercising), but I let myself watch TV this week.

My ward was remodeling another house on Saturday, but I didn't know how my eye would be feeling, so I didn't go in the morning. But then as I was up and about, it was feeling fine, so I went. I feel bad that I was only there a short time.

I was even feeling well enough to go out running in the sunlight. Well, I wasn't running the entire time, because June is the month in which I search for goathead plants to pull them up. You see, in June they usually haven't grown new seeds, which makes them somewhat safer. I did find a vacant lot with lots of goatheads on it. And although the plants haven't grown new seeds, the old seeds are always a hazard, so my fingers always get sore. I wasn't able to pull up all the plants, so I'll have to go back another time. I cannot think of a plant more evil than goatheads, so I feel like it's an important duty, even if it's self imposed.

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