Sunday, February 11, 2018

Second week of February

I was thinking about making a list of things I don't like (such as ice, feta, and throw pillows) since I didn't have a very interesting week. Yet somehow, each week I get between 50 and 90 pageviews, and I get positive reactions. I even get people thinking my posts are funny, even when I'm not trying to be funny. (Are they laughing at me?) So my list of things I don't like will wait for another time.

It has been on my bucket list to visit every city in Davis County, and I only had one left, South Weber. So I decided to drive up to check it off my list. First I stopped at Layton Hills Mall to get a new Valentine's Day tie, since I had one I hated. (It was very gaudy and covered with hearts and lips. I got it in fifth grade, but it seems a little too romantic for that age.) I also ended up with an Easter tie that I liked more than another one I have.

Then I decided to stop at Kays Creek Parkway, a paved running trail in Layton. It was a fun diversion, with views of Hobbs Reservoir, but it wouldn't be worth the drive just to go there. But I can't judge it very fairly, because nothing is pretty in February.

Then I drove through South Weber. It seemed like a pretty little town. And I had that checked off my list.

On Tuesday, I went downtown to meet a former coworker for lunch. He had heard about this blog from another coworker, so I gave him the URL. So, uh, hi Scott!

I wanted to go to the Capitol, which is also on my bucket list, but it looked very busy, so I didn't.

I went home and biked to the Bountiful Temple from my house. It's much easier than running, even though I went a little farther (because I chose a route that seemed less trafficked).

Jimmy continues to be an adorable, affectionate, and hilarious cat, sitting in and on anything he can.

Since this February is like it was in 2015, the snow has mostly melted and I've been able to hit the trails again, this week the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. On Wednesday I ran to Ensign Peak, about nine miles roundtrip.

On Thursday it was past the last radio tower (about eight miles).

And Friday was a new portion of the trail, and I ended up by a Miocene (I think) conglomerate outcrop, which I saw from the other direction when I ended up in City Creek Canyon on Thanksgiving Day. (This was also about nine miles. I might have gone farther, but I had to get back home for a phone interview.)

This week also brought back the Olympics, the only sports I'm interested in watching. I've found that team spirit and sportsmanship is a lot more friendly in Olympics than it is in team sports. The Olympics have a "We're all in this together" feel. (I heard some of Philadelphia's Superbowl celebrations ended in crime. If you commit crimes to celebrate, you are a horrible person.)

Winter Olympics are intense. With the summer Olympics, I feel like I could do most (or many) of the sports, just on a much slower/weaker scale. I could row a boat, run a race, or lift weights. Not so with winter Olympics. I have never been skiing or snowboarding, and I doubt I would like it. Ice is my archnemesis, so skating is out. Maybe I could do curling?

During the winter Olympics four years ago, my mom was laid up with a broken leg, so these are more favorable circumstances. I got to go to the Olympics sixteen years ago. There's talk of them coming back in twelve years, but if we keep having Februarys like this one, that might not be a viable option.

On Saturday, I was way more lazy than I would have liked to be. And Saturday evening, I happened to catch an episode of Star Trek, which I don't usually watch. It just happened to have a prebirth guest appearance by Lady Gaga.

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