Sunday, April 15, 2012


I had fifteen credits and six classes this semester.

I only have to worry about five of them again, and in a few days, I won't have to worry about any of them!

Here's what's remaining of my classes.

ELang 351, Editing Student Journals. I am completely done with this "class." It wasn't really a class; I just edited for the student journal Schwa and got credit for it. I did have to write two papers for it. I wrote the last paper this week and turned in my time log. On Thursday we had a dinner party. I broke my eating rules and I drank some root beer (my mouth was a little dry, and it was Brick Oven root beer, which I had never had before), and I ate two pieces of cake. It's not often you get cakes shaped like ə or ¶. I had to do thirty pushups for eating those.

Geol 111, Physical Geology. Yesterday I took the final for this class. I got 85 percent. My previous test scores were 92, 89, and 88. I don't know if I legitimately got 85 or if there was a numbering issue; there were two number 80s, so I went on the assumption that the second 80 was supposed to be 81, 81 was supposed to be 82, and so on. I emailed the professor, letting him know the problem. It would be cool if there was indeed a problem and my score would go up--but we'll see. But I'm not done with this class. We got a lab assignment to do on the last day of class, and it was the hardest lab assignment of the semester! I have to finish that up and turn it in by Tuesday. Lame sauce.

Rel 324, Doctrine and Covenants. I'm going to study today and take the final tomorrow. I have appreciated that this past week I didn't have to do my obligatory scripture study. (I still do my personal scripture study, of course.)

ELang 350, Basic Editing Skills. I spent a lot of Wednesday, most of Thursday, and part of Friday finishing up a stupid portfolio. OK, it wasn't stupid; it will be a good thing to have. It was just a lot of work! The final is on Tuesday. That's the only one I'm really worried about, because it's comprehensive and I don't really know how to study for it. I will be so glad to have this class over with. I will finally be able to start doing things with editing, and this class was a lot of work. It really needs to be a four-credit class instead of just three.

ELang 326, English Semantics and Pragmatics. This week I did a presentation for this class. I did it on logical fallacies on a website my cousin shared about "6 unexpected benefits of drinking." I don't know if I did a very good job, but I did find a few good logical fallacies. The final is on Wednesday morning. If I can get some good studying in, I'll be prepared; I just have to squeeze studying in among my other tests this week.

Music 114, Beginning Piano Techniques 2. By Thursday afternoon, I have to email four recorded pieces to my teacher. I have one recorded, but it's not very good. It will work, but if I get time I should rerecord it. But I doubt I'll have time. I also have to submit some written stuff. The written stuff is optional, but I could use any help I could get to raise my grade. (I currently don't know what it is, and he never told me the scores for the midterm recordings.) This class wasn't as enjoyable as I had hoped. Oh well.

Then I'll be a free man! Until next Tuesday.

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