Sunday, April 1, 2012


Wow, a lot went on this week!

It's that part of the semester where I'm not feeling super stressed but I should be, because there's a lot going on. I just feel like there's a lot I need to do, but it's all very vague. I can't exactly describe it. Last night I had to spend several hours writing a paper for my editing class that is due tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it up tomorrow before class. But the instructions were kind of vague. I found out yesterday that I got full credit--which means I got the high score--for a test for my editing class. But it takes so long for tests to get graded and we have so many tests that I don't even remember it. For my piano class we have to be able to play certain pieces before each class period. I'm not a good enough piano player to work like that! I've come to dread going to piano. I'm so ready for the semester to be over. Thankfully, there's only a week and a half left of classes.

Lemits is basically over now, especially since it has become quite warm. The leaves are budding and the blossoms are amazing. I like fall more than I like spring, but I think I like blossoming trees more than I like changing leaves. (Or changing tires.) Yesterday was the first time Salt Lake ever hit 80 degrees during the month of March.

On Wednesday I went running. I wore some older shoes that I thought I would give a second chance. Ever since then, my foot has been kind of hurting. I went running on Friday, but I had to stop after twenty-four minutes because my foot started hurting pretty bad. There's a guy who is in my editing class and who lives across from me who seems to have had a similar experience recently. I didn't know foot problems were contagious. I'll probably not run for several days and see if my foot gets better.

Thursday was my half birthday. I am twenty-three and a half. I haven't done much in the last six months. I ate a million calories that day and stayed up until midnight because

Friday was my class registration day. My roommate was quite angry because he couldn't register because he didn't have his ecclesiastical endorsement renewed. Fortunately I remembered a few weeks ago, so I was able to register. I really wanted to take Middle English, but it overlaps with Geomorphology, so I had to choose between the two. I'll have to take Early Modern English or Old English sometime instead. I could take Middle English if I took Groundwater instead, but that doesn't sound as interesting as Geomorphology, especially since Geomorphology has field trips. I'm currently enrolled in 15.5 credits and six classes for fall: Jogging, Geomorphology, Varieties of English, Genre and Substantive Editing, Principles of Biology, and Empirical Methods in English Linguistics.

It's looking pretty likely I'm not going to take any semesters off anytime soon. I have full tuition for spring and summer, so it only makes sense to take advantage of a free education, and I can't afford to keep taking fall semesters off. I'll be a senior and it will be my first fall semester. But I'll be a senior in name only--it'll be a while before I graduate. I definitely cannot take a break for winter semester, because Geology 112 is only offered during winter and it's required for the geology minor.

I have a confession. I want to be a transvestite.


I honestly don't understand why someone who was born a man would want to be a woman. Among other things, it seems like it would be a lot of time and money to do your hair and all that makeup, and dresses must be awfully cold and drafty. But those concerns are just trivial matters--there are a lot more reasons than that!

There were three elders on my mission who were really good buddies. The most successful and most obedient of these three texts me occasionally. He texted me on Friday, which made me wonder about another one of the three, whom I will call Elder D. I met Elder D a couple of times, and he was actually my second companion's second companion. I could tell from my brief encounters with him that he wasn't anything like a model missionary, and the stories I heard of him substantiated this belief. He met a girl while on his mission, and a week after getting home he went back up and married her. He went immediately inactive. I Facebook stalked him on Friday, and I discovered that he now has a second profile, one that has a girl's name. There are pictures of him in pink girl clothes and wigs and other strange apparel. It appears that he also has an AIDS awareness tattoo. This baffled me--how could someone who was a missionary become like that? But then I remembered he was never a missionary--he simply wore a name tag while living in Spokane, WA, which is where "he" lives now.

Moving on from such creepiness, and speaking of April Fool's Day, I really liked Google Maps's Nintendo theme for today. This is what my house looks like in 8 bits:
Of course no post for this weekend would be complete without mentioning general conference. I feel bad having favorite speakers, but I have to say that consistently my favorite speaker is Elder Holland. It seems like there aren't that many talks that talk about envy. I liked how he said we're not in a race with others. I compare myself too much to others. His talk dovetailed quite nicely with President Uchtdorf's. I've been blessed with a good memory, but unfortunately that means I remember dumb or inconsiderate things that people did a long time ago, and I sometimes have a hard time letting go. I also noticed that Elder Hales said "revelance" instead of "relevance."

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