Sunday, June 3, 2012

What a weirdo.

This week I had several opportunities to inadvertently show people just how weird I am.

On Monday, Memorial Day, I came home and I put up some Fourth of July lighting. I put a flag light in our kitchen window and my neon light flag in the living room window, out over 700 East. I put a string of lights mixed with a garland over the bookshelf in the living room. My roommate Cameron came home and said, "I like all the patriotism." He seemed to think it was a bit early, however, and I explained to him why I start the Fourth of July season so early, in order to include Flag Day and Memorial Day. That night we were invited to go to a bonfire, and when people were at our doorway inviting us, someone commented on our "Christmas lights," and Cameron forcefully corrected him. Other people have commented about the decorations too.

At the bonfire, someone decided to try to tell a ghost story. But he was just making it up and he wasn't getting very far. So I took over. I based the story off of an episode of Gilligan's Island, but they don't know that. When we were riding home, we somehow got on the story of fish and their eyes, and I told the story of how when I was five or so, my cousins had come camping with us and a fish was caught for my little cousin. I saw the fish's yellow eye and asked my cousin if I could have the eye (I thought it would be fun to keep on a bookshelf). After I told the story, Cameron said that he liked how I told the story without any intonation. Then I realized that I had just told the ghost story when I show no emotion whatsoever!

Speaking of Gilligan's Island, there's another thing this week that shows how weird I am. I like to study certain amounts of hours for classes, but I tend to get ahead for my history class. We were talking about the Cold War this week, so to "study" I decided to watch Cold War-themed episodes of my old TV shows. On Tuesday I watched some episodes of Gilligan's Island and Cameron came home while I was watching them. I watched an episode in which a foreign spy pretended to be a ghost to scare the castaways so that he could take over the island (this is the episode I based the ghost story on). I watched another one in which a Russian spy had plastic surgery so that he could look exactly like Gilligan so that he could pretend to be Gilligan and find out what the castaways were doing on the island. That night I invited my other roommate, Bryton, to watch an episode of The Munsters in which Herman ends up on a Russian fishing trawler. Bryton seemed unimpressed with The Munsters; it was a more mediocre episode (and had some awkward scenes of singing, dancing, and joking).

My old TV show knowledge came to be relevant last night when a bunch of us played Mad Gabs (the game with weird words that sound like other phrases) in my apartment. One of the clues was Samantha Stephens. My teammates guessed it but didn't know who it was; I told them she was on Bewitched. Another clue was Gomer Pyle, and I guessed that quite readily, to the surprise of everyone. Later the other team had to guess a clue that was Mork and Mindy. I knew what it was for a long time and the other team never got it, even after I gave them clues. I've actually never seen Mork and Mindy (it came a little too late for my tastes), but I was surprised that not one other person knew what it was!

This week I once again shared my poor photography skills with the entire world. I was in line at Subway on campus when a nun came and got in line! Yes, a nun, an old lady with a wimple on her head. It was so unusual that I tried to take a sneaky picture with my phone. A girl moved in front of the nun right as I snapped the picture, so this is what I got after I did some cropping and editing:

Despite the abysmal quality, I posted this picture to the Seen @ BYU Facebook page.

Yesterday morning there was a service project where we (our ward and another ward) went to a peach orchard in Orem and picked unripe peaches off a tree so that the peaches could grow bigger. It was kind of fun. But my typical awkward silence and standoffishness was quite apparent.

This week I also introduced some people to my strange fascination with Jan Terri. All of Jan Terri's music videos share some elements: random shots, the same three female friends, awkward standing-in-place dancing, scary-looking men, ridiculous lyrics, and Jan's all-too-distinctive voice.
I also found a very funny interview with her on The Daily Show from 2000:
There are so many great lines in this clip: "That's a rare combination," "There's two sides of me: straight and normal," "I usually like Walker," "no witten wecord," and "wing it by ear."

On Friday we got our tests back for History 202. I did terrible. I got a C-! A C minus! I've never done that poorly on a test in my life! Actually I looked at my grades online and it said I got a 79, which is a C+. That's better, but still not good. I don't know why it was so bad; it was a writing test, and I thought I did decently. I happened to see some other grades and they were As and Bs. I don't know what went wrong; I felt like I answered the questions correctly and sufficiently. I guess this is why I distrust historians. You'd think that with history, facts would be facts, but it's actually quite subjective. There are some historians who will tell you that there were no turkeys at the first Thanksgiving in 1621. But in William Bradford's Of Plymouth Plantation, he says they had turkeys. How do you historians know there weren't any turkeys? Were you there? If you were, don't you think it's time to retire? I'm going to trust the writings of someone who was actually there, not some Mr. Know It All who wants to redefine what happened to better fit his agenda.

Historians also have weird hair. I don't like talking about hair, but they sure have weird hair. My professor I think is going for the Ben Franklin look. He is bald on top and has gray hair around the sides and back of his head, but he grows it out so it's a bit long and ratty and nasty. The TA also has weird hair. From the sides it looks normal enough, but from the front--I can't quite describe it. He has these two bulges of hair on either side of his head, above his ears. It gives his head a bit of a mushroom shape. Tomorrow I'm going to talk to Mushroom-Head Man to figure out why my test score was so low.

Today at church a girl told me I act like a robot.


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