Sunday, March 31, 2013

Here Came Peter Cottontail

Easter is over in less than an hour from the time I'm writing this sentence. Then we enter one of those lulls with no major holidays. Which means I get no candy or dessert until the patriotic season that starts Memorial Day weekend. I hope that this year I will not faint and my knee will behave properly and my spring classes will be laid back enough that I will be able to do more running and that the combination of running and no candy will get me more in shape. (Run-on sentences can be fun.)

Like always, Easter week wasn't particularly Eastery.

On Monday I actually addressed this issue. They asked me to give the spiritual thought for FHE. I talked about how we do so much more for Christmas--there are fourteen songs in the Christmas section of the hymnbook but only four in the Easter section, we get school off for Christmas but nothing for Easter, etc.--all this despite the fact that Gordon B. Hinckley said that the Babe of Bethlehem would be just another baby if it were not for Easter. I said that I suppose the reason for less emphasis on Easter is because it is more important, so important that we don't put it on a shelf for a year but rather should remember it all year round.

That FHE activity was a talent show. I sang the seven original verses I wrote to "Follow the Prophet." I have verses about Jeremiah, Amos, Zechariah, Alma, Samuel the Lamanite, the Brother of Jared, and Joseph Smith.

On  Tuesday night I stayed up to register for classes for fall. I signed up so that I could graduate in the fall, but I still have to decide if I want to graduate then or next April. (Fun fact--our term "fall" is short for "fall of the leaf"; I also think that "spring" is short for "spring of the leaf.") I registered for geology Field Studies (it will be so awesome! I feel a little guilty taking it if I don't need it), Old English, the Senior Course for my major, Introduction to Comparative-Historical Linguistics, Technical Communication, and Swimming for Nonswimmers. If I decide not to graduate yet, I might  drop the Comparative-Historical Linguistics class and take Groundwater or something instead.

On Wednesday I had a test for my Old Testament class. It was my last midterm of the semester. I didn't do very well; I didn't have time to prepare. Hopefully I did well enough. Then that night I had to finish modifying my science-and-religion paper. I think I actually had to make the paper less interesting to fit the assignment, but I don't think it was too bad. Maybe I'll share it with you once I see my grade.

Then on Thursday I finally caught up on some reading for my Early Modern English class that was supposed to be finished long ago. It feels so great to be caught up. That night I went to the temple and I went running. I hope to do more running now that I'm caught up. I have holiday shows I watch every year, so Thursday I watched It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown.

And on Friday I was excited to go home. It was my half birthday, which meant I could eat whatever I wanted. I ate a million calories in the form of four cookies, a miniature key lime pie, and tons of leftover conversation hearts. I drove my home teachee Kayla  to the airport. I neglected to see another car and pulled out in front of it. He honked and Kayla gasped. I felt so stupid. When I started driving, the sun was right in my eyes, so I had to put my sunglasses on. But then it got dark and I couldn't see well because the glasses were dark and an old prescription. It was kind of a harrowing drive and I got off on the wrong exit. But that's why I use GPS, so that I'm never lost for too long. Then I got home and discovered that my parents had bought me a DVD with three new Easter TV specials on it. That night I watched Here Comes Peter Cottontail and one of the new ones, The Easter Bunny is Comin' to Town. (I'm a sucker for Rankin/Bass. I can't wait until Halloween so I can watch Mad Monster Party? again.)

On Saturday I went to a funeral. My sister is named Susanne, so this family friend is known as "Other Suzanne." I didn't know Other Suzanne terribly well, but I still knew who she was. I didn't think it was terribly sad. That may sound callous, but Other Suzanne had a lot of health problems. She was severely diabetic and had been completely blind for more than thirty years. Her husband died (I think rather unexpectedly) just before I came home from my mission. She had no children, but her funeral was well attended. I guess it was fitting for a funeral to be held the day before Easter, in remembrance of the resurrection.

My cousin's little boy Nathan, aka Wallace, was at the funeral and kept us entertained. He is twenty-two months and hilarious and adorable. Even though I don't see them that often, he knows my name. He made sure that all six of us adults had a hymnbook. If someone put theirs back, he would make them hold it again. He went around and pretended to give us haircuts. I did get a real haircut yesterday, but I think Wallace would have done a better job. He also kept making me put my hand in front of my eye, and then he would do a little breathy laugh. I was the only one he did it to. I wonder if it was related to my big glasses.

We had our Easter festivities. We got our baskets, and I ate all my candy yesterday and today, since it's out of season tomorrow. I expected that my Easter DVD would be my only non-candy present, but I was surprised that I got Frankenweenie on DVD/Bluray/3D Bluray (even though my apartment only has DVD and at home we only have regular Bluray). I will have to watch it again and decide if I should count it as a Halloween movie. I count the original Frankenweenie as a Halloween show because of the eerie theme and because there's a scene with Halloween decorations in the background. Either of those things alone would not merit a Halloween declaration, but both of those combined do. But they took the Halloween decorations out of the remake. So I have to decide if the eerie themes, and the fact that I count the original, merit counting the new one as a Halloween movie. (Similarly, I only count Mad Monster Party? because of the eerie theme and because it takes place in October.)

Why am I talking about Halloween on Easter? We also colored eggs and I watched three Easter shows, Here Comes Peter Cottontail: The Movie and the other new ones, The First Easter Rabbit and Yogi the Easter Bear. I am so utterly juvenile.

Then today I went to church in my home ward. I feel more and more distant from that ward; it has changed so much. I was unimpressed with the Sunday School teacher who used Powerpoints in his lesson. Then today we had our family Easter dinner. Wallace continued to be hilarious. Then I had to drive another girl from my ward, Amber, back to Provo. I drove better with her than I did with Kayla. Then I got home and my home teacher Westin visited me (he's the son of Governor Leavitt).

And now I'm going to be tired tomorrow. But that's nothing new.

And Easter just ended!

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