Sunday, March 3, 2013

Journey to March

March has arrived! I'm pretty glad about it.

We have passed the midterm point of the semester! There's only a month and a half left of school! Then I get a few days--and then I'm in school again. But spring term is always more fun than winter semester.

This week they posted the schedule for fall semester. I had been thinking that I might graduate in December, depending on if the senior course for my major is offered in the fall. Well, it is offered in the fall, but not all the other classes I need are offered (or else they overlap). I will have to look a little more closely, but it looks like I'm not going to graduate in December! Hooray! (That's not something you hear often.) I don't feel ready to graduate, and I think April's a better time to graduate than December, and I will be able to take whatever I want my last year, since I have most stuff done.

I think in the fall I will take my major's senior course, Old English, Groundwater, some writing class, and Swimming for Non-Swimmers (since I can't swim). (This is still very tentative--registration's not even open for a few weeks.) I also sent an email to see if I can take the geology field studies class. I don't know if I'm allowed, since I'm just a geology minor, but I hope that I can take it. That would fill up my necessary credits, but the course takes place before fall semester actually starts, so I would really only be taking like twelve credits, even though I'd be enrolled in fifteen. But if I'm not allowed in the class, I'll have to find something else.

The lemits weather allowed me to go running three days in a row this week! I don't know the last time I've done that! That may not be the greatest for my schoolwork, but it makes me feel great. Considering my running speed and my running time, I estimate that I ran about twenty miles this week.

On Monday I went back to the dentist. He was surprised with how well the bleaching had done, but he thought my tooth was still a little dark, so he put more bleach in. Now my dead tooth is lighter than the rest of them.

Then yesterday we had a "Morning Mourning Bash" for my tooth. We ate cereal and a guy who lives across from me, Alex, read a poem about my tooth. It was pretty funny.

I feel that as time goes on, my blogs get less and less focused...

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