Sunday, June 9, 2013

A long week and a long day

This was a crazy week. Tomorrow I have two papers and a portfolio due, so I had to budget my time this week to make sure I got everything done.  I also had a midterm on Wednesday that I had to study for. I did a fairly good job at staying on task.

Friday I had planned to go to the Rooftop Concert Series, but my plans fell through, so I was able to pound out the last of the assignments. I was so glad to get them done that I didn't really feel relieved. I know that seems paradoxical.

Now, in my Structure of English class, we have to do presentations on a book chapter. Our professor passed out a sign-up sheet, and I was one of the last to get it, so I had to sign up for Monday. Yet another thing to do. 

Saturday was a lot more free than I had anticipated, since I finished my projects Friday night. So I spent the day buying patriotic Tootsie Roll Pops, working a little on a project due next week, and going running. It was fairly late at night (it had to be, since it's so hot now), but it was the first time I'd gone running for an hour since April. I've been having knee problems, and I had some last night, but it still let me go for a full hour, instead of only fifteen or twenty minutes. I think I went slower than usual--I'm not sure if it was the heat (I go fastest in 40 degrees) or the lack of running over the last month--but that's OK. It did leave me a little sore and thirsty, though.

Because I wanted to go running, I didn't finish my presentation. Hopefully, our professor will go on one of his wild tangents again, and I won't have to present tomorrow. (He once went on a forty-minute tangent about the Marx Brothers and Abbott and Costello.) I'll try to get up early to finish it tomorrow.

I'm so tired. It's been a long day. I got to bed late last night (since I had been running and working on my presentation), and then I had bishopric meeting at 8:30. I was at church until 4:30, and then I was home for an hour, and then I went to our bishop's house for dinner. He invited my apartment, another apartment, and a married couple who used to be in our ward over for shish-kebabs. It was fun. But they live in Alpine, so we had thirty minutes of driving, two and a half hours there, and then another half hour driving back. I had a long day. But I feel worse for our bishop, who had to do the same things, and also has to get on a plane at 1:00 a.m. I'm glad that I'm not a bishop and that I will never be called to be one.

I'm sorry this was such a boring post. It's just that I'm tired and want to go to bed.

And anyway, I started this blog to be a description of my life, not to be entertaining. And when you're as boring as I am, there's no way my life could be entertaining.

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