Sunday, May 22, 2016

A non-highlight highlight reel

They always tell you that you shouldn't compare your life to the lives you see on social media, because you're comparing your entire life to the highlight reels of others.

That's all well and good, but what about when your highlight reel is still not as good as the highlight reel of others?

It doesn't help when people are posting bragging posts about all the cool places they're going and things they're doing. And they often make their post long after the fact actually happened, so it's totally a bragging post. And instead of posting all their vacation pics into one album, they spread it out over days (or weeks or years) so that you are constantly bombarded with how awesome they are and how insignificant you are, just staying in little Utah and going to work every day.

(Even so, I'd rather have those bragging posts than meaningless quotes or countless recipes.)

I will tell you about my highlight reel, and you will see how un-awesome it is. Maybe then you can feel better about your life.

  • Went to lunch at the Lion House with three other men and one woman. One man quipped, "This is probably the only time men have outnumbered women in the Lion House."
  • On Spotify, I've been making a 50 States playlist, with a song representing every state. At the bottom of the playlist was a list of songs that Spotify noticed were similar. I figured the songs would be similar artists or genres. But no, they guessed what I was doing and provided songs with states in the titles. It creeps me out how much computer programs and sites know. But it did make it easier to fill in the gaps. 
  • The power went out. I had just stepped out of the shower and was completely naked. 
  • Went carpet shopping to replace the 1970s yellow shag carpet in my bedroom. In the process, we bought a mushroom table and bench.
  • Ran 7.5 miles before my knee was giving me problems.
  • Made almond crêpes that my mom said were restaurant quality. But I guess a mother's compliment doesn't mean much.
  • Went to see two friends in a play.
  • Set up the old Super Nintendo downstairs for when my nephews visit in the coming weeks. I'm not a gamer, but if anyone wants to play the SNES, it's set up in a public area of the house. 
You see, my highlight reel isn't that great.

Even so, you can't really compare highlight reels to highlight reels. In the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can't see. And even though my highlights aren't that exciting, my sorrows are negligible.

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