Monday. I spent a lot of time reading in the library, which was thankfully open, since it was a campus holiday. I went home teaching, and then our ward went to a big fireworks block party our first counselor invited us to. It was pouring rain, which probably helped prevent any potential problems. (That alliteration was not intentional, really!) I wonder how long aerial fireworks will be legal.
Tuesday. I went to the BYU Forum. It was this professor talking about raising teenagers. I thought this was a strange topic for a university forum. There was a Q and A afterward, and since I didn't have anything better to do, I stuck around. But almost everyone else left, and those who stayed sat near the front, but I was in the middle. I realized that all the people who stayed were older people who actually have to worry about having teenagers as children or grandchildren. I had to get out of there!
Wednesday. I stayed on campus a long time reading before going to institute. It was raining crazy hard. At one point I looked outside some glass doors and the ground looked foggy--not because it was foggy, but because there was so much rain splashing a few inches above the ground.
Thursday. After class, I went to the temple. When I came home, I saw that my sister had texted me, inviting me to go to Seven Peaks. But my phone was off in the morning and I didn't take it to the temple, so it was too late. But I met her for lunch at Brick Oven, where both her friend's thirteen-year-old son and my niece had meltdowns of sorts over food.
That night I went running. I saw what I thought was a bird flying through the air, but then I realized it was probably past bird curfew, and it changed directions (almost 180 degrees) very suddenly, and it was flying very erratically. This made me deduce it was probably not a bird, but a bat! I get to see bats so rarely, it made me happy. Although I did see a bat last summer, hanging above the door of another apartment in my complex for quite a while:
Friday. I wasted most of Friday day since I had absolutely no classes. But that evening I went on a group date with the apartment below me, where I've been sleeping. We had dinner there, and then made boats out of popsicle sticks and went to campus to race them in a stream. Ours won.
Saturday. I went grocery shopping and wasted time. Then one of my home teachees had a little concert so I went to that, as did many people in my ward. Before she sang there was a singer who it seemed like might be still in high school. That was all right but...interesting. I have my home teachee's CD, so it was good to hear live versions of her songs, as well as some new ones.
Sunday (today). I went to church. For third hour, the bishop and a member of the stake presidency answered questions. I think my bishop called me Will. I just hope that he did, and that there wasn't a real Will who wanted to ask a question that I prevented him from asking. I asked about how to forgive. We always hear about how to be forgiven we have to forgive, and how it takes a burden off our shoulders, and all that, so I know why to forgive, but I don't know how to forgive. There is a certain vile companion I had whom two years later I still have a hard time forgiving. (I've blocked him on Facebook, so if you're reading this, you're not him.) He is as ugly as sin, and I think it's because of this Roald Dahl quote: "If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until it gets so ugly you can hardly bear to look at it." (You see? This is exactly why I asked about forgiveness!) I got some good insights on forgiveness, but I don't think it was quite what I was looking for. But I don't think an easy answer exists, so it's just as well.