Sunday, February 26, 2023

Four Pillars of Faith

A talk delivered in the Temple Ridge Ward in Bountiful, Utah, on February 26, 2023.

My name is Mark Melville. I’ve officially been in the ward since December, but I began visiting in late July. I grew up here in North Salt Lake. Currently I’m working part-time as a research assistant for the Church History Department, and soon I will also be starting another part-time job as an editor, but they haven't told the other applicants, so I’m not allowed to tell you where yet.

Over the years, I have thought a lot about faith, and there are essentially four pillars to my testimony: (1) Jesus Christ as our example, (2) a sense of community, (3) a heritage of faith, and (4) the commandments, a way of life. I will be discussing these four pillars.

Jesus Christ as example

This is the Church of Jesus Christ, which means He is the one we are supposed to emulate. For example, in 3 Nephi 27:21, the Savior tells the Nephites, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is my gospel; and ye know the things that ye must do in my church; for the works which ye have seen me do that shall ye also do; for that which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do.”

Jesus did many things that appeared unpopular to the religious people of His day. In Matthew 9:10–11 we read, “And it came to pass, as Jesus sat at meat in the house, behold, many publicans and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples.

“And when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto his disciples, Why eateth your Master with publicans and sinners?”

I suppose the Pharisees might have thought it was dangerous and unrighteous for Jesus to be spending His time with the people they viewed as sinners. They might have thought he was condoning their sinning. They might have thought sinning was contagious. But Jesus knew a higher law. “But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick” (Matthew 9:12).[1]

Following Jesus is not always easy, and there are a lot of things he said that I don’t think we are really quite prepared to do. “Love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44) is not easy. “Go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor” (Matthew 19:21) is not easy. “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62) is not easy. 

Serving a mission provides many important and valuable life lessons, and one of the important lessons I learned was learning to love people we might consider to be “sinners.” I grew to know and love recovering criminals, drug addicts, and others who were on the margins of society. I must admit that I have not always maintained that kind of love since I have been home from my mission. 

If there is one hymn in our hymnal that I think deserves to be canonized as scripture, it’s #220, “Lord, I Would Follow Thee.” “Who am I to judge another when I walk imperfectly? In the quiet heart is hidden sorrows that the eye can’t see.” In this last general conference, Sister J. Anette Dennis spoke about a hunting dog that was acting improperly, and the owner didn’t know that the dog was wounded.[2] We don’t know what wounds people have and why they act as they do. I feel regret for ways that I judged some of my roommates for acting strangely a decade ago, not knowing the things they were going through.

Fortunately, the gospel of Jesus Christ means that we are not stuck in our failures and our shortcomings. The whole purpose of the atonement is that we can always become better.


One of my favorite passages of scripture is 1 Corinthians 12, where Paul talks about the body of Christ. Our chapter heading for this chapter is infuriatingly inadequate, because the body of Christ takes up literally half the chapter, but the heading doesn’t even mention it! The scripture committee must have been sleeping on the job to let that one through. The chapter says:

“For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ. . . .

“For the body is not one member, but many.

“If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

“And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

“If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?

“But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him” (1 Corinthians 12:12, 14–18).

When I was attending the family ward, I taught a youth Sunday School class. One lesson, I had the kids draw people, but I had them pick out a few body parts on slips of paper, and they were only allowed to draw people with the body parts they picked randomly. The results were nightmare fuel. I couldn’t even keep the drawings or take pictures of them because they were so horrifying. A person made up only of hands would not be much of a person. Similarly, it wouldn’t be much of a church if everyone acted the same. We all have different life experiences, and we can learn from each other as we teach and comment in Sunday School lessons, show up to activities, clean the building, and give talks. I find it kind of baffling when people say, “I don’t need a church to be close to God, I just need to go to the mountains.” I like mountains as much as anyone, but having a church community is one of the great blessings of religious life, and in many ways that’s how we can come close to God. And I say that as an introvert.

In this last general conference, one of my favorite talks was from Elder D. Todd Christofferson. He said, “We cannot permit any racism, tribal prejudice, or other divisions to exist in the latter-day Church of Christ. The Lord commands us, ‘Be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.’ We should be diligent in rooting prejudice and discrimination out of the Church, out of our homes, and, most of all, out of our hearts. As our Church population grows ever more diverse, our welcome must grow ever more spontaneous and warm. We need one another.”[3]

Similarly, in October 2020 general conference, Elder Quentin L. Cook said, “With our all-inclusive doctrine, we can be an oasis of unity and celebrate diversity. Unity and diversity are not opposites. We can achieve greater unity as we foster an atmosphere of inclusion and respect for diversity.”[4]

I suppose all of us here understand the importance of finding a place to belong. I doubt that twenty years ago, any of us would have expected to be in a singles ward in our thirties and forties. There may be a variety of reasons for this. Some of us, such as myself, may be queer. Some of us may be widowed or divorced. Some of us might simply not have found the right person. There may be any variety of reasons we are where we are. One of the things I have valued most about this ward is how vulnerable and open everyone is. Frankly, it can be difficult to be part of a church that is run by married people who often preach about the importance of marriage. But luckily for us, this is the Church of Jesus Christ, not the church of the nuclear family.[5] We are all part of the body of Christ as we lift and support each other.


For many years, I have had the privilege of spending time in the history of the Church, and doing so also helps me feel part of a community, part of the body of Christ, not just today but going back generations. On my dad’s side, I have ancestors from the early days of the Church. Apostle Amasa Lyman was part of Brigham Young’s vanguard company to arrive in Utah in July 1847. On my mom’s side, my grandparents joined the Church on Guam in the 1960s. But all the Saints, regardless of our bloodline, are our spiritual ancestors. I am inspired by the example of earlier generations of believers. I gain strength through them.

Many of our pioneer ancestors accomplished heroic things. But they failed too. They tried things that did not work. Sometimes they did things that were actively hurtful. If they had room to make mistakes, it gives me permission to forgive myself for making mistakes, and also to forgive my fellow Saints for making mistakes today.

For example, in the early 1850s, John Taylor was on a mission in France, and Brigham Young had asked him to look for new ideas that would be useful in Utah. He discovered that in France, they extracted sugar from sugar beets, and he thought that would be a valuable idea, because sugar was scarce in the desert. So he bought a bunch of French sugar beet seeds and some equipment for extracting the sugar. It was a major hassle getting the equipment across the plains. Once they got here, actually extracting the sugar didn’t work. There was one batch of molasses that was so bad even the hogs wouldn’t eat it. Decades later there was a successful sugar industry, but in the 1850s it failed for a number of reasons.[6]

For me, I don’t think, “Oh, what dumb pioneers. What were you thinking, trying to manufacture sugar?” No, I am impressed by their determination, their efforts, and their ambition. Sugar House today is still named for the unsuccessful sugar factory, and the manhole covers in the neighborhood have sugar beets on them, and there’s a giant beet in front of the library. 

We don’t call the area Failureville.[7] I need to remember that if I fail in my efforts, it does not make me a failure, nor does it disappoint the Lord. Failure is a part of life and a part of learning and growing.

Another of my favorite stories that I’ve come across comes from 1856. Here in Bountiful we have the Tabernacle on Main Street, which was built by Augustus Farnham. He was the mission president in Australia, and he led a group of converts on a ship to the United States. One member, John Jones, was assigned to keep a journal of the goings-on on the ship. Some of the members were consistently helpful—and others were consistent in other ways. One man regularly got drunk and became violent, so much so that they had to threaten to lock him in irons. On one occasion, there was a fight between a Sister Mapstead and a Sister Moyes because Sister Moyes called Sister Mapstead a name I don’t think I should repeat in sacrament meeting. Later, John Jones described another quarrel between these women and said Sister Moyes was “the agressor as usual.”[8] What kind of Church member am I going to be? Am I going to be someone who is “the aggressor, as usual,” or am I going to be someone who is helping out, as usual?


Living the gospel can be hard. And yet, we have been given commandments that help us become better people.

I especially have a strong testimony of the Word of Wisdom, especially concerning alcohol. And science is on our side. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, “The Guidelines also do not recommend that individuals who do not drink alcohol start drinking for any reason and that if adults of legal drinking age choose to drink alcoholic beverages, drinking less is better for health than drinking more.”[9] Sometimes I envision what our world would look like if everyone chose not to drink alcohol, and it would be a much better place.

Last summer, my grandfather turned ninety years old, and he attributes that to joining the Church. His brothers and father all died before they reached their mid-seventies. Alcoholism was a big problem in his family, and he likely would have headed down the same path.

I must admit, part of why commandments resonate with me is because I am a rule follower by nature. For example, when I was five years old, I came home from preschool to find that my family was tending some kids who had used sidewalk chalk on the driveway. But it was called sidewalk chalk, not driveway chalk, so I took the hose and washed off all their drawings. I need to be careful not to let my nature lead me to judge others or become self-righteous.

Of course, all the commandments lead us to the two great commandments, to love God and love our neighbor. In Romans 13 we read, “Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

“For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

“Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law” (Romans 13:8–10).

Recently Elder Gary E. Stevenson spoke about these two great commandments at the UVU institute. He said, “When Jesus said the first and the second commandments, He didn’t say one is more important than the other. He said, ‘and the second is like unto it.’”[10] We show our love for God by loving our neighbor. I don’t think it is possible to love our neighbor too much.

Living the commandments helps us become more like the Savior. He is the one we are to follow. We as a community of Saints are always striving to become like him, just as our forebears have done for generations. And when we fail, that’s what repentance is for.

In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

[1] These verses are quoted in the Killers’ song “The Calling,” so I always think of that when I hear them.

[2] J. Annette Dennis, “His Yoke Is Easy and His Burden Is Light.”

[3] D. Todd Christofferson, “The Doctrine of Belonging.”

[5] Thanks to my friend David Doyle for this insight.

[6] See Mary Jane Woodger, “Bitter Sweet: John Taylor’s Introduction of the Sugar Beet Industry in Deseret,” Utah Historical Quarterly 69, no. 3 (Summer 2001): 247–63.

[7] This line was so well received in 2016 I decided to recycle it in a new ward seven years later.

[8] Augustus Farnham Immigrating Company journal, July 14, 1856, 83; August 13, 1856, 140, MS 7779, Church History Library.

[9]Dietary Guidelines for Alcohol,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

[10] Mary Richards, “Elder Stevenson teaches how to build on the 2 great commandments,” Church News, February 3, 2023.

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Pink to green

Valentine's Day really isn't that exciting. After an ordinary day at work (having fun while doing research), I made a cherry cobbler, but I modified the recipe by adding cocoa, buttermilk powder, and red food coloring to make the topping red velvet–flavored.

We also had our traditional pizza in remembrance of the worst Valentine's Day ever, when my dad fainted at work and my mom broke her leg while carrying pizza downstairs.
I had to go to swimming lessons that evening, but it's not like I had anything better to do. The pool was emptier than usual. I had ordered some swim jammers with hearts on them, because I knew I would have lessons on Valentine's Day, but unfortunately they did not arrive on time.

On the way home, I decided to buy pink roses for my mom, since pink is her favorite color, and I don't have a boyfriend to buy flowers for.

Then February 15, I move on to St. Patrick's Day. You might think that's too early, but would you think a month ahead is too early for Halloween or Christmas? I didn't think so. St. Patrick's Day is a dumb holiday, and yet I really like it. I love eating anything green, cooking Irish stew and corned beef and cabbage, and listening to Irish-adjacent music.

Plus, St. Patrick's Day is about celebrating a previously marginalized community, and I am part of a marginalized community. One of the songs in my St. Patrick's Day playlist, "Galway Bay," includes the lyric, "They scorned us just for being what we are," which hits home. We see a lot of rainbow decorations, which have new meaning for me now. And they used to wear green carnations on St. Patrick's Day, which have also been a queer symbol. I might have to seek out a green carnation this year.

I also saw some interesting celestial things this week: there was this sunset on February 13,

and then I saw a rainbow-esque glow in the sky on Friday. 

I also had a couple of job interviews this week, but we'll see what happens with them. I told my coworker I hope I get one of them but not both of them so I don't have to choose.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Speak when spoken to

 As you all know, I am a very quiet, untalkative person. There are multiple reasons for this:

  • A natural tendency to be shy and introverted
  • I inherited a lot of personality traits from my father, and he is also quite quiet
  • I know people who love to talk about themselves, or they go off on some esoteric topic that no one else cares about. Cool story bro. I don't want to be that person.
  • If it's someone I don't talk to often, I don't know if they will recognize me (especially since I don't wear glasses anymore but sometimes I wear sunglasses, and I had a beard for four years until December 2021)
  • Sometimes I simply don't have much to say
  • I don't want to bother or annoy people
  • I don't think that what I have to say is very important or interesting
Largely because of these last bullets, over the years, I have adopted a general attitude of "speak when spoken to." It is rare for me to initiate a conversation, reach out to someone, or organize a social gathering. If someone tells me "Hit me up sometime," I might say, "Yeah, sounds fun," but internally I think, "Yeah, that's not going to happen." I know people like it when others reach out, but I feel like that doesn't apply to me. "Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy baby, and I'm a monster on the hill." 

Lately, I've been somewhat going against my general habits.

For example, last week I attended a fireside featuring Peter Breinholt, a singer-songwriter, and David Smurthwaite, a gender-expansive man, put on by Lift + Love, a faith-affirming, identity-affirming organization. I didn't know anyone there, but the people who were there were quite friendly to me when they saw me sitting alone. I had a good conversation with a woman who sat near me. And when another man complimented my heart tie, I told him I recognized him from a website, even though my natural inclination would have been to say "thank you" and nothing else.

Yesterday I ran the Sweethearts 5k at the South Davis Recreation Center, since there aren't a lot of fun things to do in February. (I placed third in my age division, which meant I got a free teddy bear.)
I saw a few people there who I know casually, and it would have been easy to remain incognito in my sunglasses and clean-shaven face. But I decided to say hi to them anyway, despite my poor social skills.

So, yep. That's one of the latest things I'm working on.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Ig sided for Febrauy

Those of you on Facebook likely saw my post this week wherein I shared a journal entry I made in kindergarten. My sister had some leftover journal pages, and I filled out a few of them. On January 30, 1995, I wrote that I was "so ig sided for Febrauy."

See, I've been interested in calendars and holidays for longer than I can even remember!

I'm not sure what it was about February I was so excited for. Probably Valentine's Day. And I seem to remember being tired of winter in kindergarten, so maybe that was part of it, even though February is definitely still winter.

I like every month except January and February. But February is better than January. It's slightly warmer and lighter. You get Valentine's Day. Of the nine holidays I formally celebrate, Valentine's is my least favorite, but I still like it. And this year, it's refreshing to have a Valentine's Day where I'm no longer hoping to find a wife. And once Valentine's Day is over, the season of everything green begins—and I like green better than pink. So February's not so bad.

I suppose the most interesting day this week was Friday. Since I work part-time, I have lots of free time. With my free time on Friday, I decided to take my parents up to the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge near Brigham City. I visited there in July 2021, and I wanted to see it at a different time of year.

It really is a lovely drive along the Bear River, and I'm sure ornithologists would love it more than I did. We saw lots of pheasants, hawks, great blue herons, Canada geese, and other birds. I'm sure more birds are visible at other times. I think this is an amazing, underappreciated place—but I'm not complaining that it's underappreciated. I think it would be fun to bike the auto tour sometime, though I imagine the bugs would be pretty bad during biking season. I thought it looked exactly like February was supposed to.

This week I started my next session of swim lessons. I'm in the intermediate class, but we meet at the same time as the beginner class, and there are a lot of beginners this time. Our regular instructor is good at balancing the instruction for both classes. But we had a substitute on Thursday, and she's not as good at balancing, and she also doesn't know our skillsets as well. So I'm not sure how helpful this session will be.

Now, my favorite thing about Valentine's Day season is its sweet treats, so that's mostly what the remainder of this post is going to discuss, with some tangents. If that's not your jam, you might want to close the tab now.

I like to support small businesses, so I decided to get breakfast at Annie's Cafe, which has red velvet crepes. They have expanded since I last visited two years ago. I thought it would be like a fast-casual restaurant. But when I went in, it's now a typical "Please wait to be seated," look-at-a-menu restaurant. How obnoxious! Sometimes you just want to order your food and move on, you know? So I got them for take out. But then I felt extremely guilty, because it came in a plastic container, and I hate single-use plastic. I should have just eaten at the restaurant! At least I declined a plastic bag and plastic silverware. And then I ate it in my car, which is a major no-no, because it was too cold to eat outside. I ate in the parking lot of TJ Maxx, where I bought a Valentine's rose Squishmallow and an orange t-shirt with skulls.

The major flavors for Valentine's Day are red velvet and chocolate strawberry, but I've often wondered why there aren't more things inspired by boxes of chocolates. I was happy that this year Dairy Queen did a Triple Truffle Blizzard, which definitely is inspired by a box of chocolates.
I told them I didn't need a spoon, because I still had one I got last time I was there.
I also have wondered why we don't see more rainbow stuff at St. Patrick's Day, and DQ also has a seasonal rainbow shake, complete with a shamrock in the marketing. I'll have to go try it after February 14. Props to DQ for being creative this year!

While I was at Dairy Queen, there was an awkward woman who asked the cashier, "Do you have sausage? It's Groundhog Day, and I eat sausage every Groundhog Day." 😆

I also had to make a stop at RubySnap, because I think February is the best month of the year for their seasonal cookies. I like Chip and Goodly cookies better, but RubySnap wins for creativity, hands down. Too bad the location is so inconvenient.

Top row: cherry chocolate (available year-round), red velvet, grapefruit
Bottom row: sugar cookie (available year-round), beet, rose

I have a few other seasonal things I could show you. But then you would judge me and wonder why I don't weigh three hundred pounds.