Sunday, July 7, 2013

Just checking in

I'm just making this post because I don't want to miss a Sunday. Technically Sunday is over, but I'll count it. I got home late to Provo because I was visiting my visiting nephews.

I don't get to see my nephews much, since they live in California, although I see them more now that they don't live in Nashville. I have three: Preston, the cynical eight-year-old; Franklin, the adorable, shy five-year-old who sometimes gets possessed by the devil; and Nathaniel ("Baby"), the consonantless three-year-old who's as cute as can be.

For the past week and a half I've been on vacation with my parents. I spent a night in the hellish wasteland of Mesquite, NV; went to King's Canyon and Sequoia National Parks; went to my brother's house in Richmond, CA; got a headache after a ride at Six Flags and was sick with a sore throat the remainder of the trip; watched multiple firework shows from a distance (and therefore missed the familiar booms and smoke smells of the Fourth of July); drove more than half a day with my nephews; and had Peppermint Patty invite herself and others to our house while we were still unloading the car and hadn't even been able to sit down and rest--literally. Will I go into more details on all these events? I don't know.

Some of it may depend on how soon I get better--because if I'm healthy I'll be spending less time on my computer.

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