Tuesday, January 28, 2014

All things political

I don't subscribe to a particular political ideology, because doing so--whether intentional or not--tends to make people lose their ability to think. Here are my opinions on various topics. However, I make no claims to be well informed. I am also refraining from explaining my positions in depth, because to do so would require more time than I have. Here goes.

Republican vs. Democrat. These distinctions seem to do our country more harm than good.
Gay marriage. I don't have a problem with gay marriage. I do have a problem with private businesses and organizations being forced and bullied into catering to it against their wishes.
Abortion. Abortion can be important for situations of health, rape, or incest. Abortions for other reasons are morally irresponsible, selfish, and barbaric. As to whether they should be illegal, I don't know.
Obamacare. Obamacare is a good idea in theory, but in practice it has some major problems.
Legalization of marijuana. We already have enough inebriated people. We don't need any more. (Also, it seems that it's democrats who want to legalize marijuana, but democrats who want to eradicate cigarettes. What's up with that?)
Lowering the legal alcohol limit. Anything that prevents drunk driving is a good thing.
The war on drugs. Drugs ruin homes, both literally and figuratively. I think that the vast majority of crimes are caused by or related to drugs. Why wouldn't you want to attack one of the roots of the problem?
Capital punishment. The world would be better off without the murderers.
Global warming. It exists. We need to do something about it. (And even if it doesn't, it wouldn't hurt to change our practices anyway.)
Environmental stewardship. We humans have a bigger impact on the physical world than you might expect. We need to be responsible.
Gun control. The fact that the NRA thinks we shouldn't change anything makes me think that the "N" actually stands for "Nefarious."
Raising minimum wage. Again, this is a good idea in theory, but I worry about undesired adverse effects. 
Economy; immigration. These are subjects I don't know enough about to form an opinion.

I kind of got distracted and forgot what else I was going to say. But I think this is a pretty good survey.

See also: 
Why I hate politics
Global Warming
My thoughts on gun control

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