Sunday, June 8, 2014

A dumb post

I went to another Rooftop Concert this weekend. I feel like there are basically four different levels of quality of performers you see: 1) Forgettable, 2) Good for a local band, 3) Good, 4) My favorite music ever. I have seen artists of all four levels at the concerts, and on Friday I saw one of each of the first three categories. It makes me realize how hard it is to become famous, because there are so many talented people. I wasn't induced to buy any of their music, however.

I went with my former roommate Bryton, who is probably my favorite roommate I've had, although we have different ideas about things. My friendliest current roommate is out of town, but he's a good guy. (He is, however, the messiest roommate I have ever had; while I may miss him being around, I certainly don't miss the messy kitchen.) Another roommate used to be really friendly, but something this past semester made him decide he was too cool for us, so he quit attending our ward and quit talking to us. The same thing happened with one of my roommates last year. Both of these too-cool roommates wear fine and costly apparel, and since I no longer see them on Sundays, I can only assume they attend the Rameumptom Ward, because they think they are better than us. My room-roommate replaced my previous one, because they were friends. Both of them are what you would call "bros" or "sweet bros." They are nice enough, but they have their South Carolina buddies and don't have room for any more.

One thing I have often struggled with is making comments during Sunday School and priesthood meetings. A few times, people have told me that they wish I made more comments because they like my comments, but sometimes I don't have anything to say. Other times, like today, I feel like the New Testament cripple at Bethesda, who can't make it to the angel-troubled waters before someone else does. Sometimes I think that my comments won't be that meaningful. However, now I kind of feel a bit of an obligation to comment, but I don't think it would be proper for me to explain why on a public post.

I have had lots of weird dreams this week, dreaming that I was part of a Hogan's Heroes episode (we were trying to trick Colonel Klink into putting mouthwash instead of dressing on his salad), that my paternal grandmother had been shrunk to the size of a leprechaun to be treated at a hospital, and that I stopped in at a gift shop/convenience store on the beautiful, mountainous Antarctic coast.

We are in the Fourth of July season, and Fourth of July candy is interesting. There's not much of it, and it's very inconsistent--you never know what you will get from year to year. Yesterday, I found patriotic Tic-Tacs, which was not something I expected to find. Also this year, I have had red, white, and blue Twizzlers, flag-wrapped Tootsie Rolls, and star-shaped, colored marshmallows. I have also seen (but not bought) patriotic Tootsie Roll Pops and Peeps. (I really don't get Peeps anymore. They're an Easter thing; what do chicks have to do with Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, or the Fourth of July? Ten years ago, they made them stars, which makes more sense than the Peep/chick design.)

(Also, I find it a little strange we associate red, white, and blue so much with America, since those colors are also used on the flags of the UK, France, the Netherlands, Russia, Australia, Taiwan, and Samoa, and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head.)

This was a dumb post. I almost wanted to just erase it all and start over. But I didn't want to do the work of writing a new one.

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