Sunday, January 17, 2016

A new phone

This week I got a new phone.

One of my last adventures with my old phone was after work Monday, when I stopped at Warm Springs Park so I could see the steam rising off the warm springs. I'd been there two times before, but it was in warmer weather. The steam doesn't really show up in the picture, but it did in real life. There were also some small fish in the spring. I don't know how they got there, because they certainly didn't come out of the earth.

On Tuesday I had to teach a family history institute class for my stake calling. It went much better than I had expected. After teaching doctrines from the scriptures, I shared some insights I've learned from my own study of family history.

I talked about my Grandma Judy, who wasn't your typical cookie-baking, story-reading grandma. Although I knew she loved us, I knew we weren't her favorites. Nerdy, obese city folks were not her ideal relatives. But then I learned about her rough growing-up years, being raised by my great-grandparents who don't sound like they were very good people. And I gained more sympathy for my grandma and even feel flattered that I knew she loved us, because I don't know if she felt that from her parents.

Through that line there was also my great-great-great-great-grandfather Frederick Kesler, who was a prominent, illustrious pioneer. It made me wonder what went wrong between the time of Frederick Kesler and great-grandpa Raymond, because Raymond doesn't sound like a model citizen. (Maybe Frederick wasn't the greatest person, because two of his wives divorced him, but he still was very industrious in early Utah, building mills, serving as prison warden, etc.) I want to be more like Frederick than Raymond. (I said, "I think Raymond was the only bad guy in this line" [referring to my direct line, as I think there were some bad uncles], and one girl said, "Until Mark! Ooh, burn!")

Since I was teaching Tuesday, I couldn't pick up my new phone until Wednesday. I got an LG G4. It's always an adjustment getting a new phone, but I already like my new one better than my old one. It seems a lot more intuitive. There are some things I don't like as much, but overall it's a better phone. I really wanted a new phone, because my old one didn't vibrate properly, and it wouldn't sync with my Fitbit. (Between all the snow and ice, I still haven't been able to test out the running GPS on my watch. Ice is my arch nemesis.)  My first subject for a picture on my phone was our teenage cat.

My new phone has games on it, unlike my old one, but I don't plan on playing any of them. At this point in my life, I'm not really interested in games, and I don't want to start and get addicted. I have so many better things to do.

Like blogging.

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