Sunday, March 27, 2016


Easter is always a peculiar holiday, because it's never the same. Since there is a month-long span when it can fall, every year can seem very different. I hate it when it falls in March, but fortunately it won't fall in March again until 2024.

Easter week also feels basically just like any other week, compared to other holidays. But it was a pleasant enough week.

On Tuesday everyone turned out for caucuses. Since I don't want to be labeled as a Republican or Democrat, I am unaffiliated and didn't go--but after the caucuses had started, I learned that I could go to the Democrat caucus. So I drove out to South Davis Jr. High where it was being held. The church parking lot down the road was completely filled, and some inconsiderate people were parked in non-parking spaces, making it so that I couldn't drive through like I should have but had to do a three-point-turn to turn around. Jerks. Since the parking was so crazy, I didn't think it was worth my time, and as I drove past the school, the line was out the door, past the seminary building, and probably around the block. (In case you're wondering, I would have voted for Hillary.)

I am glad that Trump didn't win any delegates. It baffles me that people are supporting him, even people I know and respect--or at least used to respect. Ben Carson is an example of a good man who wasn't a good candidate, but Trump isn't even a good man. But I don't want to wax political on Easter.

At work on Wednesday, someone did a silly presentation about marshmallow Peeps, and they had Peeps "sushi," with Peeps as the fish, Rice Krispies as the rice, and fruit leather as the seaweed. Then I went to Farr's Fresh Cafe and had Peeps-flavored ice cream. And since I'd been eating like the Easter Bunny all day, I made carrot soup for dinner. (I also made carrot oatmeal cookies last Sunday, and I've been eating plenty of carrot cake.)

(The internet tells me that we have Bugs Bunny to thank for the stereotype that bunnies like carrots, and that Bugs was parodying a Clark Gable movie. So in a bizarre twist of pop culture, we have Clark Gable to thank for all the carrot things that show up at Easter.)

On Thursday, I colored eggs with my family. My forest egg would have been better if I hadn't kept it in the green dye as long, and I wish I had had a real black crayon for the bats.

I am thrilled that our "popcorn" tree is doing well, because we had almost no blossoms last year, and absolutely no apricots. And now I have a cookbook with recipes for using our apricots and plums.

On Friday my stake had invited BYU's Vocal Point to perform. We had a free Vocal Point concert! When it comes to a cappella groups, I either like them or hate them. I never love them. Vocal Point is one of the non-annoying groups, and they are very talented individuals. But it does show that they're not so uniquely talented, considering they can keep replacing people. Their beat-boxer is very impressive.

On Saturday, I ran seven miles (so I could eat more candy) and we received Easter baskets. I got a handheld immersion blender, because my carrot soup really made me wish I had one. I watched parts of the women's session of general conference, since Mormon women's speeches have been my job for the past seven months.

Then Easter Sunday was busy. I regretfully wasted time in the morning before church, and then family was at our house for a long time in the evening. It was more like a summertime meal. And then it's going to snow again.

This Easter-in-March thing keeps making me think it's a month later than it actually is. And I have to keep reminding myself, "No, there's still plenty of snow to come." I still hope for snowstorms in April and May and possibly June. But I want them to be quick-melting snowstorms.

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