Sunday, May 22, 2022

May flowers

 It wasn't that eventful of a week. And honestly, that is entirely welcome—it means I now get a reprieve from all the school stuff I used to do!

I went to the dentist this week. I was supposed to go the morning of my portfolio defense, but the hygienist was stuck in bad traffic on I-15. This was the first time in my entire life that I have ever had a male dental hygienist, as far as I can remember. I have never had a female dentist.

Right now is the very best time for trails, save for late September and early October, so I went out on them five days this week. One night I went (hiking, not running) on Wild Rose with the elders quorum, and I was able to show how much I knew the wildflowers. Then today in elders quorum, someone who wasn't even there announced that he heard that I knew the wildflowers without using an app! Now I hope that people don't think I have exceptional knowledge about plants, because I'm just a novice beginner. 

Glacier lilies

Dyer's woad. I feel guilty when I think noxious weeds are pretty!

The first mulesear of the season. When mulesears are in full bloom, they are the most stunning sight in the entire calendar!

Western waterleaf

Arrowleaf balsamroot, which is second only to its lookalike mulesears

longleaf phlox

Yesterday I returned to the new portion of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail that I went on the day after  Thanksgiving. In six months, they haven't expanded it, though it looks like they've smoothed some of the existing portions. I was surprised at how many people were on this dead-end trail. But it's pretty flat, which makes it kind of boring. I went just over seven miles.
This is where the trail ends. But there are some cut trees beyond the end of the trail, so I suspect that it will continue to North Canyon.

I also had some oddly specific dreams. In one I was singing solos and duets in church, and I even sang a solo of "The Star Spangled Banner." Everyone cheered when I held the last note on "land of the free," even though I didn't go up like many singers do, and I was pleased with myself that I sang so well without voice training. In another dream, I was at a Thanksgiving dinner that also had Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, and I called him out for supporting an insurrection, and he laid into me.

May is just a wonderful month.

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