Sunday, July 23, 2023

joo lie

 I was busy this week! Even though issue 2 of Wayfare has gone to the printer, I still had a few new articles to edit for the website. 

And since it was so hot, I spent a few nights taking my headlamp out on the trail in the dark. I'm glad I can do that, but it's not ideal. The headlamp messes with depth perception, and I can see every single spider, since their eyes shine in the dark.

I also happened to see Governor Spencer Cox twice this week. At my Church job, we received a notice that there was going to be a cattle drive downtown ahead of the Days of '47 rodeo. I don't particularly care for cattle drives or rodeos, but I do care for weird happenings associated with Pioneer Day, so I went out to see it. Unfortunately, right before the cattle arrived, I got an important phone call about the images I wanted to include in my Pioneer Day article. (It sounds like there are too many copyright complications to include one of my favorite images, but I should still be able to use some others.) Since I was on the phone, I couldn't take pictures with it. But I saw the governor on a horse and all the longhorn cattle. 

My state job has various meetings, and I never know what ones I'm supposed to attend. I work for the state from home, but I went into the state office for the board meeting. I sat in the back instead of at the table (because of impostor syndrome, and also because I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be there). Cox made a brief appearance, and there was someone there taking pictures for his social media. And I ended up in the picture he posted

And the last couple of weeks, I have continued to use our large supply of frozen cherries. I have made cherry guacamole,
cherry lemonade,
chocolate cherry crisp,
cherry chocolate chip pancakes,

and cherry ice cream.

I had a pretty busy week. But I don't need to bore you with all the other details.

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