Sunday, January 28, 2024

Meme mania

Sometimes I will come across memes or images that really speak to me, and I save them to my phone.

It was a slow news week in my life, so I thought I would share a bunch of the things I have saved from the internet, with some commentary. (I also realize that it might be hard to see all the images if you're reading on your phone, but you can click on the images to see them bigger.)

OK, this first one isn't a meme, but yesterday I was cleaning the church gym, and I was amused that in the center of the gym floor, there was this sticker that said "Tell me about my pioneers." I'm really interested in how pioneers are remembered and commemorated.

Story of my life.

My sister suggested I buy a bed for Reggie, and then I came across this perfect explanation of why I won't.

A New Year's Eve meme.

This gave me a good chuckle on Christmas.

I had to show this one to my therapist, because it's so accurate.

Aren't cats the greatest thing ever?

Yep. I mean, yip. I have two stories below the image.
Back in the early 2010s, I had a lot of pressure to date, and old people would tell us that it was bad to ask girls out via text. But I think texting is more polite, actually. I would call girls just because I was "supposed" to. Actually, the very last date I went on with a woman, I texted her, and then at the end of the date, she implied that she would have preferred calling. So then a year and a half later, after COVID, I called her and left a message. But she never responded. I would have preferred a simple "no," because it meant I couldn't make other plans. Oh well, it obviously wouldn't have worked out anyway.

Also, back in the day (circa 2013), I thought, "One day my wife will be pregnant, and it would be fun to make that announcement by using the video of the yip-yip aliens singing 'Yip, yip, baby, yip, yip, family'!" But in the back of my mind, I knew that was unlikely to happen, which made me sad, so the aliens also made me sad. But now I don't plan on that, so it doesn't make me sad anymore.

So endearing tho.

Yes! I am a big fan of the serial comma, commonly (comma-nly) called the Oxford comma.

After a year and a half, I have my last therapy session this week. Also, my goal for 2024 is to get rid of something every day, but those are literal things.

So accurate! 

People tell people to take a buddy, but that's easier said than done.

Once when I had a calling as elders quorum instructor, a high councilor suggested that I could break people into small discussion groups. I vowed I would never do that.

I find that if I'm talking to someone and then another person joins the conversation, suddenly I feel apart from the conversation. (Isn't it wild that "a part of" and "apart from" have opposite meanings?)

Pretty much how I feel, and I'm fine with it.

In group therapy last fall, I said I felt like I was a jerk, and one of the guys said, "The only person you're a jerk to is yourself."

Yep. Also, sometimes I will say hi to people or ask them how they are, and it seems they don't notice me or hear me. Sometimes if it's someone I don't know super well, I will say, "How are you, [name]?" and they think I'm saying, "Are you [name]?" So then they say yes.

Most writers I work with are open to suggestions, but not always.

Hey, I am a published academic! But I do have more ideas to write about, but I don't want to have to get into the research.

Charles Schulz was a genius for illustrating the human experience, but in a humorous way.

Once on my mission, my companion was clearly not happy, so I said, "What did I do?" And he said, "Why is it always about you!?"

Cat toys are a waste of money.

A year ago, I felt like everything I wanted to do was on Tuesday. I had therapy and swim lessons on Tuesday, but everything else was also Tuesday.

Yeah, I don't have a best friend.

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