Sunday, February 23, 2014


Can I just go on a little rant first?

As ward clerk, I have become fairly familiar with the Church's program MLS. But despite being familiar with it, I don't get it, because it is absolutely the worst software I ever have to deal with. It reminds me of the programs that would have been in the computer lab in junior high. I don't understand how, with all the Church members there are, they don't hire someone to make a better program. It is so terrible, being ten or fifteen years out of date. Some things have been transferred over to, but a lot of things--including all financial things--have to be done on the horrible program. My ward has had some troubles with the finances. It is difficult to fix the problems in MLS. I was glad both last week and today when I had to be gone when some stake representatives tried to fix them, because I don't want to deal with them.

MLS is just so frustrating to use. For example, it has a section where you can list callings in the ward. When you add a new calling, it adds it to the bottom of the list of the callings, not alphabetically or grouped by calling. So you have to scroll up and down if you want to see if someone is listed. And you can't easily rearrange it. You'd think you'd just be able to click and drag callings where you want them. But no. You have to select one calling, then press a "Move Up" or "Move Down" button. It's so annoying. And we got a new second counselor for our bishopric over a month ago, and I still can't get him set up as such. It is impossible to find anything in the program--you have to guess where to go. I can't wait for the day when this dinosaur of a program goes extinct. (I'll be released by then.)

Two years ago, I coined the term lemits to refer to the odd time of year that occurs between late February and mid March. Often during lemits time, I get really depressed, and even if I'm not depressed, it feels really weird. This week has definitely been lemits weather. But it doesn't seem that weird, and it definitely doesn't feel depressing, at least not yet. In fact, it's made me kind of happy. With lemits weather, I'll be able to get into shape--this week I had a full run and a few partial runs. The bad thing about it, though, is that today I saw a hornet when I was coming home from church. Most people are afraid of spiders. I'm afraid of wasps and hornets. If I could have one superpower, I would choose the ability to look at a wasp or hornet and have it instantly die. I'm also worried about our snowpack, because it's still winter, and the mountains are a little too brown.

Today I drove up to West Jordan for my cousin Quin's ordination. It was a beautiful lemits day--the sun was shining on the snow-covered mountains, there was not much traffic, the Lower Lights album I got one year and five days ago finally cooperated in my car's CD player, and my GPS was my little guardian angel. I'm so happy to have a GPS, because then I don't have to worry as much about getting lost. At the ordination, I got to see my mom--it was her first time leaving the house since she came home from the hospital a week ago. I also got to see the toddler "Wallace." My niece, Allie, was playing with a grabber toy with him, and she said, "I don't want to cut off your hand." He said, "Why?" He also preferred to drink lemonade from my grandma's cup rather than from his own cup. He responded in the affirmative when someone asked him if hers tasted better.

Yesterday I ordered my cap and gown. All I have to do now is find a job. I will be a college grad in two months! Scary!

(If lemits is bringing you down, here's a little song to make you happy. I don't care for the video. I've been listening to Mideau a lot this week, especially since I ordered a CD of theirs with demo versions of the songs on their album. I love them.

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