Sunday, March 1, 2015

Six months later

February is over now, and February marked six months since I left Provo, moved home, and began working on site in the Church History Library.

Six months is half a year!

I've liked living up in North Salt Lake more than I expected. I was sad to leave Provo with its close-knit wards, Rock Canyon, and Rooftop Concerts. But six months later, I don't really miss it that much.

While running to Rock Canyon was spectacular, there are plenty of enjoyable trails near my house. And when I run on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail (usually in the evening when it's getting dark, since that unshaded trail stays light for longer), I can see the Salt Lake Temple (which I also see at work every day) and get a beautiful view of the valley.

And paradoxically, I think my current ward is closer than any Provo ward I had. I loved my last Provo ward, especially the bishopric--Bishop Taylor, Brother Jensen, and the various young married second counselors they had. But I love my current bishopric too (although perhaps not as much as the last one--sorry, guys). I think the North Park ward is more cohesive, despite the fact that we don't live on top of each other. Not only are we more spread apart, we are more diverse. There are college grads, like me, of various ages and from different schools. There are those who are currently in school, at the U, SLCC, LDSBC, and even Weber. And there are those who haven't done any school after high school. And the ward list actually includes inactive people. Thus we are widely ranging in terms of age and intelligence. (Really. There are some very intelligent people in my ward, but others are not so smart.) But somehow we are closer.

And I sometimes missed living on my own with roommates. But it's been nice to spend time with my family again. Also, many of my roommates decided they were too cool for the rest of us, so I don't have to deal with those jerks.

When I moved back to NSL, I didn't know how long I would have my job. I was informed that I would be able to work until November, but then I would meet all the hours I could have. Then I was told I could work through the end of 2014, but then I was on my own. And then I was allowed to work until my internship hit a year on February 28. Now my internship status is over, but I still get to work at the same job for six more months. Who knows what will happen then?

On an unrelated note, this morning I found that my top sheet was on top of my quilt, with my quilt next to my body. And not only that, the top of the sheet was at the foot of the bed!

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