Sunday, February 22, 2015

Two noteworthy things

Overall, this wasn't a very eventful week. I had a rather boring Presidents' Day.

But there were two things of note.

One was that we finally got snow in February. It was a poor excuse for a snowstorm, but I'll count it toward my desire to see snow in nine out of twelve months. I have seen snow on Memorial Day that was as "impressive" as the snowstorm yesterday. But now it needs to snow in March, April, May, and June--both for my wish and for Utah's snowpack.

The other noteworthy thing is that, with it being February, my internship ends this week. But my boss, Reid Neilson, managing director of the Church History Department and newly designated Assistant Church Historian and Recorder, is working it out so that I can work for him for another six months. He told me some flattering things. I'm really excited. I've loved working with him. I love the projects I get to work on and all the things I get to learn. If you want to know something about 1850s Utah, I probably know it.

My mom has a coworker (teacher) who should be fired. My aunt has a boss (principal) who should be fired and banned from leadership positions. My dad has a boss who should be fired (and being doomed to starvation wouldn't be bad either). But as for me, my boss is the nicest boss I've had. And I've had many nice bosses.

In 2011, I had a BYU custodial/sports setup job that was temporary. They said they would invite people back that they wanted to keep working for them. I never got invited back. (I don't think my boss realized how good I actually was, because sometimes I was sticking around cleaning things that other people missed. Sometimes people would turn the lights out on me because they thought everything was done.) I don't know if I would have taken it if I had been invited back, but I felt bad that they didn't think I was good enough. I sometimes thought, "If I can't do custodial stuff, well, what can I do?" Well, apparently I can do editing (and research). I may not be cut out to be a custodian, but I am cut out to be an editor. And that's just fine with me. Because editing is more enjoyable.

(And let's not forget that editing pays better.)

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