Sunday, August 2, 2020

Summertime randomness

I am happy to report that I had a snake-free week this week! I ran up North Canyon four times (MTWF), and there were no rattlesnakes that I saw or heard. There was a woman on a mountain bike who said, "It's good to see you again" as she biked past, and she called to her friend, "He's always up here!" Yes, yes I am. It's been several weeks since I've seen her. I've been going up North Canyon so much that it has gotten less exciting than it used to be. However, it's still my favorite trail, and it makes me so happy that such a wonderful spot is so close to my house. I don't understand why Mueller Park is so much more popular, but I'm not complaining—it keeps North Canyon nice and empty.
This "tombstone" has been there about a month now.

I don't know what these gross things were on the trail, but there were lots of flies on them.
As you know, I structure my life around holidays. There is plenty to enjoy about this time of year—shaved ice shacks, fresh fruit, monsoonal thunderstorms, etc.—but I get a little impatient for the fall so we can have holidays again. It's too early for Halloween, but if I am reviewing something for The Impulsive Buy, I can have it early. On Wednesday I drove out to Dollar General in Rose Park to search for Witch's Brew Kit Kats. Dollar General puts stuff out way early. I was delighted and surprised they actually had them! And the review went up today.

On Thursday, I was preparing for a typical day (which consists of a North Canyon run in the morning, strength exercises in the afternoon, some kind of chore, and then whatever I want). But my sister texted me to ask if I wanted to go up to Bear Lake with her and my niece. So I said yes! We drove up through Logan Canyon, then stopped at a beach on the lake.
We put our feet in the water, but we weren't prepared for swimming or anything. We drove back into Garden City to get lunch. We saw some polygamists playing in the water in their dresses, and I had to feel bad for them. We drove home through Randolph and Mountain Green. The adventure wasn't anything special, but it was nice to get out of the quaran-routine.

I have also enjoyed picking plums from our tree. Last year we didn't really have any plums, so I'm happy we have them this year. (But this year we didn't have any apricots.) Of all the fruits we get, plums are the best for straight eating. Apricots are best for jam, apples and cherries are most versatile, and grapes are best for juice.

Since I collect music for every holiday, last month I ordered a CD from Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts to add to my Pioneer Day playlist. It didn't arrive, so last night I emailed the organizer, Clive Romney, to see if my order had been received. He is the author of "Scripture Power," the head of the band Enoch Train, and otherwise prominent in the local music scene. He responded and wanted to bring it to me in person today! I thought that would be inconvenient for him, but it's probably no less convenient than shipping it to me. So that was a little intimidating to have him come over, but it was nice. He signed the new CD, and I asked him to sign all the other copies I have of his projects.

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