Sunday, August 14, 2022


Hmm, I guess it just wasn't that interesting of a week.

Yesterday morning, we heard a loud boom, which was not a sonic boom, nor thunder. All signs are pointing to a meteor, so that's cool.

I knew there was a race going on in North Canyon and Mueller Park yesterday, so I opted not to go there. Instead I went to Holbrook Canyon, which I don't like that much because it's so slow paced, with stream crossings, rocky portions, steep drop-offs, overgrowth, etc. But I liked it better than I remembered! I would have liked to have gone farther yesterday, but I had to turn around because I had a car maintenance appointment. (They called me to set up the appointment, and they had a wide open schedule, but I was still there two hours. Why does it take so long!?)

Anyway, it really was a lovely day in the canyon. I might have to go back in the fall to see how far I can go.

One of my favorite things about August is all the plums on our plum tree. Back in the spring, we had an insane amount of blossoms. But then there were very few plums on the tree. I recently saw that a few plums were purple, but they weren't ripe yet. So I went back, and the few plums had vanished! Sad day. First our apricot tree died, and now I don't know how long our plum tree will last. Oh well. At least we seem to have a decent crop of grapes.

August is the month for back to school, and I'm so relieved that I don't have to worry about that anymore!

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