Sunday, August 4, 2024

National Great American Outdoors Day

Since before I was born, my family has liked to camp at Moosehorn Lake in the Uintas, almost every August. So I went up Friday night to join my parents there. Projects for my BYU job have dried up somewhat, so I had extra time to go there earlier than I would if I had a full-time job. 

I got on their kayak and went around the lake just a little bit, which was fun. 

Near the campground is the trailhead for Bald Mountain, and I was there early enough that I thought I could run up the mountain that evening. So I drove over the trailhead and found a spot to park. Sometimes there are officials who patrol the parking lot to make sure you pay your recreational use fee. But this weekend was National Great American Outdoors Day, so there was no fee. 
I've only been on this mountain a couple of times, so I forgot how rocky it is, with lots of quartzite and sandstone boulders. So it's not a good trail for running; there were only a few small patches where it felt safe (or possible) to run. But even if it wasn't a good run, it was still a good hike, and I think I made it up faster than the average person would. It's less than three miles round trip, with a climb of over a thousand feet. As I've been watching the Olympics, the athletes talk about being at their peak in their twenties. I think I'm physically at my peak in my thirties, but if you're supposed to peak in your twenties, does that mean I wasted my twenties?

There are so many glacially carved lakes up there

That's Mirror Lake

I might have to explore another trail up there sometime.

Then the next day, I inflated my paddleboard and went around the lake. I stood up on my paddleboard for an hour, the longest I have done so, and then I sat and kneeled on it for a little more. It's a fun fad. And I wanted to try to swimming in the cold lake, but a storm was coming in, so I didn't.

When I headed up on Friday, I stopped at Hi-Mountain restaurant in Kamas, and I noticed an unusual menu item. So on my way back down on Saturday, I had to stop back down to try it. I avoid nonseasonal desserts, and I have reduced my meat consumption, but it was so weird that I had to try it: a chicken and waffles milkshake!
Yes, it had actual chicken pieces in it, and the waffle bits came from a waffle cone. It had a syrupy flavor. It was weird, but it wasn't half bad. I would consider getting it again, especially if I ate more meat and milkshakes. 7/10.

Oh, and our plums are ripe, so I've been picking some. I have a lot more I need to pick before they get overripe. But they're also not very good when they're underripe.

And I had to take a picture of this non-LDS church sign about Pioneer Day, which was pleasantly surprising. 

Those were really the highlights of the week, so here are this week's dreams.

after finishing grad school, Mark packs up his stuff to move back home

Mark gently hits his dad on the head with a binder full of papers because of a political and religious disagreement

a man tells Spencer he is smart enough to go to grad school

a small trail goes through a small building that has a multimedia exhibit about the Bill of Rights

a hole in the kitchen floor is a rabbit burrow with a bunny that has ten ears (I tried many variations to try to get ten ears, but the AI wouldn't do it)

A custodian lives in a small, smelly apartment in the back of a college restroom

a college store resells raw beef roast from Costco

Mark is surprised to see two small, brown dogs next to his bed

Burger King sends burgers in large boxes, but one of them is inedible

a man gives Latter-day Saint missionaries stereotypical missionary foods, like ramen and grilled cheese
Mark uses green sunscreen and Starburst candies

Mark buys a handcart-themed journal at Deseret Book

a haunted attraction sells fall-flavored candies with fall-colored nonpareils (I checked, and is not a real website)

Mark sees his sister's former dog in someone else's yard

Mark drops his mini Christmas cheesecakes on the floor during the staff Christmas party

Mark plays Christmas music in the public shower

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