Sunday, May 8, 2011

Osama, Obama, and my Mama

Here I am a week later with another blog post!

I wrapped up last week's blog just before I found out about Osama bin Laden. My roommate called out to me that he just saw it on the news. He had flipped to Fox News, which said Usama, and we weren't positive if that was the same as Osama. But we looked at the other stations (and ended up mainly watching NBC News) and they all gave the familiar spelling. (I find it a little puzzling that it was Fox News that changed the spelling. I thought that of all stations, they would be the ones to want to get Obama and Osama confused.)

President Obama's address to the nation made me proud to be an American. I remembered that morning in junior high nearly ten years ago, and was always a little uneasy when I thought about how Osama was still around. And now he is no more! The Christian part of me questions the ethics of being glad someone died, but considering the victorious deaths of Goliath, Laban, Jezebel, and others, I think it's justified. (The natural man in me does not question the ethics.)

I do not follow politics and current events enough to form an overall opinion on Barrack Obama. Being in a "bubble within a bubble," as my brother calls it, I hear plenty of negative opinions of him. But I applaud him and his efforts and his success in this Osama mission.

What irks me is all the extreme right-wing conservatives who, like always, were quick to criticize. Really, people? Can you not put aside your disagreements with the president just enough to thank him for a job well done? I absolutely detest narrow-mindedness, no matter which side of the political scene it comes from. (I myself am affiliated with no political party. It's my way of protesting all the idiots who follow their party more than they follow common sense.)

Another thing I don't understand is the prototypical American sport: baseball. This week for work I had to clean up after a BYU baseball game, and the game went long, so when I showed up, it was still going. While waiting for an assignment, I was able to watch just a small portion of a game. I could not believe that all these people were here watching this ridiculous game! During the winter, I got to watch the majority of several men's volleyball and women's gymnastic meets. I'm not a sports fan, but I found these mildly entertaining. But with baseball, I could not believe just how much NOTHING was going on! When something did happen, it was definitely not worth all the waiting that had just happened.

I have to clean up plenty of sunflower seeds after these games. I always wondered why they were such a popular snack--it's a lot of work and waiting for something not so fantastic. But then I figured it out. Baseball is a lot of work and waiting for something not so fantastic. People who like baseball will naturally like sunflower seeds!

This week was a unique experience in cleaning. Six of us suited up in boots and yellow water-resistant attire and took hoses to spray down the bleachers. For me, the most interesting part was all the beetles that were hanging around. I saw between five and seven beetles, all of them about two inches long. I don't know if they just liked the water, or if they just like the bleachers now that it's spring. But I found it unusual to see so many large insects at one time.

That was Thursday, and I declined working on Friday and Saturday so I could go visit my mommy for Mother's Day. I have a fantastic mother who would do anything for us. I don't ever recall getting punished in the usual sense--she would definitely tell me if I did something wrong, but it was never more than that. She would just offer me suggestions on how I could do better. She has put up with all my awkwardness, my immaturity, and my peculiarity for twenty-two and a half years. Thanks Mom!

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