Sunday, March 29, 2020

And now there's snow

Since we can't go out in public, it sure was not nice of the weather to be rainy and snowy this week. I mean, snow in March is 100 percent normal, but it was still inconvenient.

Last Sunday, after I blogged, I took my nephews on some of the local trails. First we went on a side trail of the Bonneville Shoreline Trail, but we didn't go far. The main trail was packed, as was the Wild Rose Trail—not conducive to social distancing. But luckily, I knew that the nearby Woodbriar Trail would be barren. And there were in fact very few people on it. We saw some kind of animal backbone.
 My youngest nephew, Nathaniel, wanted to go farther than his brothers did, so I took him up along the trail. We saw some springbeauties.
 He was most excited to play in a field of snow.

On Monday, as it was raining off and on, I checked KSL Vortex, and it showed a break in the rain. I decided to load my bike in my car to ride on the Legacy Parkway Trail. But as soon as I left, it started raining, so I didn't bike.

The next day, Vortex showed it was going to rain, so I didn't run or bike at all. But it didn't rain at all, so I totally could have! Ugh!

Then on Wednesday, I reasoned that if it didn't rain when Vortex said it would, and it did rain when it said it wouldn't, I wasn't going to care about the forecast anymore. So I rode my bike ~13 miles on the Legacy Parkway Trail. It was lightly sprinkling after a mile, but I decided I didn't care if it rained on me. And it did in fact rain more and I was fairly wet at the end. But it was fine.

Biking on the Legacy Parkway Trail is fun, but it really isn't much of a workout because it's so flat.

Then on Thursday, we had snow. My California nephews were eager to go sledding. My oldest nephew, Preston, has a skin condition that is exacerbated by the cold and dryness, so he didn't sled, but the other two did. The snow was very powdery. I slid down a few times and had the snow fly in my face.

On Friday, I stopped at a Maverik and bought a Cadbury Creme Egg. I didn't want to touch the egg itself, so I didn't want to peel off the wrapper with my hand—I just put the egg in my mouth and hoped to peel off the foil as it entered my mouth. But I ended up with half of the wrapper in my mouth, and I had to keep pulling pieces out! It was way worse than if I had just touched the egg!
That evening, I decided to run seven miles on the Legacy Parkway Trail. Sometimes I feel bad about driving someplace to go running, when I could just run from home, but that was where I really wanted to go. Also, right now is the best time to go on that trail before the mosquitoes come out.

Then we had more snow on Saturday, so no morning running, but also no afternoon running because of fasting. But I took my nephews sledding again. After they got tired of sledding, they enjoyed having snowball fights and rolling massive snowballs.

A lot of the time is boring. I wasn't working before, but I would often go to the pool or the Church History Library, which I can't do right now. My nephews spend a lot of time playing video games or watching YouTube videos of people playing video games. I have often laughed at my dad for watching boring YouTube videos of trucks and bus tours, but my nephews' video game videos aren't any better.

I've been reading the second volume of Saints. When I read the first volume, there was a lot that I didn't know. As I've been reading the 1850s, I've known most of the information, and in fact I know all the things they left out. They didn't talk about the Julia Ann? They didn't talk about the Gunnison Massacre? But now that I'm in the 1860s, there is once again much that I don't know.

I also have enjoyed drawing on an Etch A Sketch. It seems to me that newer Etch A Sketches don't work as well as older ones. I was able to write my name on a little tiny Etch A Sketch when I was six years old.

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